Monday, August 28, 2023

Black Poppy Review

My story, The Stones, was published by Black Poppy Review today! (They have reopened their gates!) Click the link below to visit this haunting publication full of dark wonderful poetry and flash fiction!

Tuesday, August 22, 2023


Dr. Frankenstein’s Laboratory

He wrapped me in a gown of green

a great grey cotton white

and wheeled me into Shelley’s Lab

Dr. Frankenstein and I.

The shelves were lined with plastic tubes

and clips and saws and kites,

and in a vein blue sleeping juice

so I could sleep all night.

In my heart he lifted valves

with spoons and forks and knives;

a slithered silver dark red hose

frayed from the inside.

He found some spark nodes out of place;

copper veins too tight,

and in the end he made repairs


part of me won’t light.

from Autumn Poetry: A Collection for the Season

Available on Amazon

Friday, August 11, 2023

Then She Was Gone

 Then She Was Gone, by Lisa Jewel is truly a strange tale. Mysterious disappearances always intrigue me and this one held my interest all the way through. A fast read. Yes! I would recommend!

Sunday, August 6, 2023

How to Renovate a Chateau

I want to share another chateau renovation project that I watch on YouTube. (I have watched this one from the beginning.)  It’s called How to Renovate a Chateau. This is this is probably my favorite and I want to share the latest episode where they have taken a vacation to northeastern Italy to the Dolomite Mountains. They actually do some mountain climbing.  I also recommend watching this series from the beginning - their chateau renovation - and it’s beautiful.

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Blue Moon

Blue Moon

The second moon

emerged from behind a cloud

outside our kitchen window.

Bleached luminous dust.

There are holes you say

in a black heart

gaming a backdrop of stars.

We followed it with our eyes.

Weeks later 

all that was left was a sliver.

From a large white ball

grazing that warm summer night

we tell ourselves our emotions

were unattached.

And yet, were they?

Jan Darrow. (c) 2023